this seems quite similar to Giving Circles at the States Project


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That's a successful project. This is similar in some ways, but different in key ones such as 2, 3, and 4 above (partially 1 and 5 as well).

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I am a relatively new comer to the political scene. I was the Chair of the Eugene McCarthy Campaign on the USF Campus in 1968, then nothing until the Boudin Recall. At age 77, I did canvassing work (google says I put in 27 miles in SF), then I volunteered with the Matt Dorsey Campaign last Fall, putting in 250+ hours over the last 12 weeks before Election Day. My subject matter expertise is Organizational Governance and Leadership. I retired from the US Army as a Division Commander and Brigadier General, and the Managing Partner at the oldest Accounting/Consulting Firm in San Francisco. Over the last six months, I have formed the Catholic Alumni Action Community PAC and raised $1.3 million. I don't know how to select those political organizations that need money to advance an agenda to help moderate Democrat candidates win elections for the DCCC, Superior Court Judges #1 and #11, Board of Education, Mayor, and Board of Supervisors. I have looked at 990's but they are way out of date (2021), I have looked at endorsements, and affiliations, but realize this does not tell the whole story. I have identified Neighbors for a Better SF, because they were the force behind the Boudin Recall. And I observed their field ops and it was first rate with Jay Cheng running the analytics. He is now the Executive Director, and very competent, in my view. Others are not great, again, in my view. Connect SF, Grow SF, Stop Crime SF are definitely second team compared to Neighbors. Together SF Action has its moments, but their execution can be shaky. Leadership there is woefully lacking...Lead from the front, and lead by joining your team/troopers in the trenches. And most important, thank them and appreciation them for their volunteer time. For us seniors, that is our most valuable asset. I found in all of the political organizations, that they have no gratitude and appreciation for the efforts of volunteers. It is Shameful!

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