Why subscribe?
The political world that I see every day is colorful and engaging. It’s full of untapped opportunities for impact, and has a rich variety of people and organizations working to make change.
In contrast, the political world that I see through the media is monochromatic and inaccessible. It focuses on the federal government and on the actions of a small handful of household-name actors. The emphasis is passive (commenting on the day’s events), rather than showing how a ton of people are doing real things to make change.
To help bridge this gap, I’m going to start jotting down things that illustrate the color and excitement that I see. I post in these categories:
1. Highlights
Most popular or those I think are most useful.
Advice relevant to political entrepreneurs and organizational leaders.
My thoughts on how the movement engages donors, how to do better at it, and political funding in general.
Thoughts on how to engage more donors through community.
Maybe my favorite. I followed political media for years and yet had so little understanding of how things actually worked. As I notice myself figuring things out, I write them down.
More on my work is at https://bluem.ventures